The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1

bathroom you’re going to be cleaning. ͳis is the kitchen
you going to be cooking in, ’cause everybody here
contributes. ͳis ain’t no vacation spot. And here is the
room you’re going to sleep in. You see this drawer right
here? ͳis top drawer? It’s full of condoms. Now, the Social
Worker said you’re not out here having sex, but who
knows? Who knows? You probably are having sex, you just
ain’t telling nobody, right?”
And I’m just looking at her like completely confused. Of
course I wasn’t having sex!
ͳis was when that movie Crooklyn came out, by Spike
Lee. Foster Mom took me to see it, along with two other
foster kids she was taking care of at the time. We went to
that drive-in theater that was oĉ of Centinela. We went to
the drive-in movie theater, and the two little foster boys
were in the backseat. ͳey were giggling and trying to
touch me. ͳey was nasty little boys and I was pushing
them oĉ me. ͳey were like eight and seven, right? ͳe
movie started and she went:

Foster   Mom:    “I  know    you’re  going   to  cry     at  some
point, don’t cry in my car.”

Tiffany:    “I  ain’t   gonna   cry.”

She started blazing weed. Remember, this is in a car, and
she had the windows up, so she was straight hot boxing us
in there. ͳere was a man in the front seat with her, I can’t
remember who it was, some boyfriend of hers.

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