The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
Foster  Mom:    “This   is  going   to  help    you all to  relax.”

Boyfriend:   “You    know    you     crazy,  right   girl?   You

Foster   Mom:    “Man,   these   kids    gonna   be  exposed     to
way more bullshit than this. You don’t know what
these kids been through. ͳis ain’t nothing. All y’all
shut up and enjoy this movie.”

I remember watching that movie and feeling like, I know
how this little girl feels. I wanted to cry, but I didn’t cry.
ͳen, when we was driving back, my eyes was burning
and stuĉ, I guess ’cause I had a contact high, and I didn’t
even know it. Foster Mom saw me and said:

Foster  Mom:    “You    know    what,   Tiffany?    You seem    like    a
really nice young lady, but I know you’re out here
doing things. I know you doing things. You probably
gonna cry tonight, ’cause all that innocence is gone.
It’s all gone.”

I didn’t understand what she was talking about at all, not
at that point. Still, I did cry a lot that night.

•       •       •

About a week later, I was doing my chores, and one of the
little boys who was also staying with her came into the
bathroom. He was butt naked with a condom on, talking

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