The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1
Gangbanger:  “You    don’t   even    drink!  Take    your    ass     to
school, bitch. Get the fuck up off the block.”

Tiffany:    “Let    me  hit the weed.”

Gangbanger:  “Your   ass     can’t   hit     no  weed.   You     don’t
know how to smoke, bitch. Go take your ass home and
go read one of those heavy-ass books you got in your

ͳey could cuss me out all the time, but I didn’t mind. I
just wanted to be a part of something, you know?
And the cool part was, I got to party with them, but
didn’t have to do all the terrible shit you have to do to be in
a gang. Best of both worlds. Not a lot of shit went my way
when I was young, but that did.


Like I said, my grandma eventually got custody of me and
my siblings when I was fourteen. I was still in the system,
because even though my grandmother got custody of me,
she wanted to get paid. So we had to go to court and stuĉ.
And the social worker came and checked on us every
month and everything. We were with our grandmother, but
we were still state property.
Even though my grandmother was my legal guardian, she
didn’t want to teach me to drive.

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