The Last Black Unicorn

(Ann) #1



My mrst real memory of my daddy is when I was three and
he head-butted my mom.
She was wearing one of those all-white jumpers like the
girls had in the eighties, those sexy jumpers that women
used to wear. I don’t know why they were mghting, but I
remember being on the couch and screaming loud and stuĉ
and seeing blood. He head-butted my mom, and beat his
own head, and blood was pouring down his face and her
nose, and her white jumper was just covered with blood, all
Not too long ago, I asked my mom about this:

Tiffany:    “Was    that    a   dream   that    I   had,    that    Dad head-
butted you and your nose was bleeding?”

Mom:    “No,    you remember    that?”

Tiffany:    “Why    was y’all   fighting?”

Mom:    “Because    I   threw   hot water   on  him.”

Tiffany:    “Why    did you throw   hot water   on  him?”

Mom:     “Because    he  came    in  the     house   at  two     in  the
morning, and he didn’t give me the $300 he was
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