100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)

(Ann) #1

Camaraderie. Employees like to have warm, interesting, and
cooperative relations with others in the workplace. The most
signifi cant aspects of camaraderie are:

  • Relationships with coworkers.

  • Teamwork within a worker’s business unit.

  • Teamwork across departments in a specifi c location.

  • Teamwork and cooperation across the entire organization.

Equity is the most important factor in shaping employee
engagement. When equity is rated low, even if achievement
and camaraderie are rated high, overall enthusiasm can be two-
thirds lower.

Employee morale is a function of the way an organization is led,
and the way that leadership is translated into daily management
practices. Employee enthusiasm results in signifi cant competitive
advantage, as it impacts on all aspects of business success,
including customer satisfaction. Finally, success breeds success,
as morale drives performance and performance enhances morale
in a virtuous cycle.

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