100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)

(Ann) #1


from the takaful fund for the defi ned losses incurred by any
members of the scheme, all the members of the scheme essentially
protect each other.

In practice

Takaf ul insurance is growing rapidly in the Muslim world, as
fi nancial service fi rms recognize that sound fi nancial management
and religion are compatible, and possibly even complementary.
Although it only launched in 2007, the future for SABB Takaful—a
well-run, ethical business—is promising. The question is, why is it
taking so long for fi rms to realize the opportunities here? Businesses
not only make a profi t but help people in a positive, socially
responsible way as well—by supporting their personal faith.

One quest ion t hat is increasingly signi fi cant, and I suspect unusual,
is how can your business support people of faith?

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