101 Activities For Teaching Creativity And Problem Solving

(Joyce) #1

Ticklers: Related and Unrelated Stimuli 93

101 Activities for Teaching Creativity and Problem Solving.Copyright © 2005 by John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. Reproduced by permission of Pfeiffer, an Imprint of Wiley. http://www.pfeiffer.com

Materials, Supplies, and Equipment

  • For each group: markers, two flip charts, and masking tape for posting flip-chart

  • For each participant: one sheet each of three different colors of sticking dots
    (^1 ⁄ 2 ” diameter) and one pad of 4 x 6 Post-it®Notes
    •(Optional) A dictionary or other book containing lists of words (for example, “Random
    House Word Menu”)


  • List of Stimulus Words Handout

  • PICLed Brains Handout

45 minutes

Related Activities

  • Excerpt Excitation [13]

  • Say What? [20]

  • Text Tickler [21]


  1. Distribute the List of Stimulus Words Handout (feel free to add other words or
    have group members add their own words).

  2. Distribute the PICLed Brains Handout, one copy per person or post the words on
    a flip chart. Explain how to use the words and answer any questions they may

  3. Instruct the individuals in each group to take turns picking one word unrelated to
    the challenge.

  4. Tell them the group should use each word to free-associate and try to think of
    ideas to resolve the challenge. Note: if a word doesn’t result in any ideas, they
    should select another word.

  5. Tell them to write down any ideas on Post-it®Notes (one idea per note) and place
    them on flip charts for evaluation.

Some people have trouble using stimuli that are unrelated to a challenge, since they are
not directly related. Ask participants to discuss why this might be. Other questions might

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