101 Activities For Teaching Creativity And Problem Solving

(Joyce) #1

Related Activities

  • Force-Fit Game [74]


  1. Distribute the Blender Handout, review it with the participants, and answer any
    questions they may have.

  2. Ask each person in the small groups to write, on Post-it®Notes (one idea per
    note), ideas for the problem, without speaking, for about 5 to 10 minutes.

  3. Tell them to have two group members each read one of their ideas aloud.

  4. Have the other group members attempt to integrate (blend) the two ideas into one
    idea and ask one group member to write it down on a Post-it®Note.

  5. Instruct them to have a third group member read an idea aloud and have the
    groups integrate it with the result of Step 4 (that is, all three ideas now are inte-
    grated, because the third idea is integrated with the product of the first two ideas).
    Tell them that someone in their group should write down this new idea on a Post-

  6. Tell them to repeat this process until all ideas have been read and the group has
    attempted to integrate them (some ideas may defy integration).

  7. Have the groups stop when the members find an integrated idea acceptable to all
    or time runs out.

  8. Tell them to write down any other ideas on Post-it®Notes (one idea per note) and
    place all ideas generated on flip charts for evaluation.

This exercise has the potential to spark some unique ideas by blending together a number
of concepts. One downside is that the potential limitations posed by integrating ideas,
some of which might have been better as a stand-alone solution. To overcome this disad-
vantage, encourage the participants to write down any ideas on Post-its for evaluation,
even if the idea is combined with another. This way, possibly valuable ideas won’t be lost.
Also consider having participants debrief using the following questions:

  • What was most helpful about this exercise?

  • What was most challenging?

  • What can we apply?

  • How would you rate the value of this exercise to helping us with this issue?

  • Will this exercise be helpful in the future for other sessions?

  • What did you learn?

  • What will we be able to use from this exercise?

  • What ideas were generated, and which ones were most interesting?

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