61. Idea Showers
Let the ideas rain on down. Flood your group with thoughts
about how to solve your problem. Try for as much conceptual
precipitation as you can generate. It’s time for Idea Showers.
Ideas Showers is another name for the classic brainstorming
method developed years ago by advertising executive Alex
- To help participants generate as many creative ideas as possible
- To help participants learn how to use the activities to generate ideas
Small groups of four to seven people each
Materials, Supplies, and Equipment
- For each group: markers, two flip charts, and masking tape for posting flip-chart
sheets - For each participant: one sheet each of three different colors of sticking dots
(^1 ⁄ 2 ” diameter) and one pad of 4 x 6 Post-it®Notes.
- Idea Showers Handout
30 minutes
Related Activities
- Get Crazy [5]
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