85. Idea Pool
Idea Pool (also known as Brainwriting Pool) is a close relative of
the Brain Purge activity [82]. It was developed at the Battelle
Institute in Frankfurt, Germany (Geschka, Schaude, and Schlick-
supp, 1973). One difference between the two activities is in how
the ideas are shared among the group members. In Brain Purge,
members pass ideas around the group, whereas in Idea Pool
members put ideas in the center of a table to form a “pool.”
- To help participants generate as many creative ideas as possible
- To help participants learn how to use the activities to generate ideas
Small groups of four to seven people each
Materials, Supplies, and Equipment
- For each group: markers, two flip charts, and masking tape for posting flip-chart
sheets - For each person: one sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper (lined or unlined) and pens or pencils.
- Give each group member one sheet of 8.5 x 11 paper.
- Tell them to silently write down, individually, four ideas on the sheet of paper.
- Instruct each group member to place the sheet of paper in the center of the table
and exchange it for another sheet. - Instruct participants to examine the ideas on the new sheet and write down
improvements or new ideas. - Have them place this sheet in the center of the table and exchange it for a new one.
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