- Have each group select a recorder to write down ideas on a flip chart.
- Tell the members of each group to stand in a small circle and throw the balls to
each other for a few minutes. - From each group, collect all the balls except one.
- Say that whoever is holding this ball must throw it to another group member.
- Say that whoever catches the ball must shout out a random word or phrase.
- Tell this person to throw the ball to another person, who then shouts out a word
related to the problem. - Instruct the recorders in each group to write down on a flip chart these two words
as a combination. - Have the entire group use this combination to stimulate new ideas and ask indi-
vidual members to write down their ideas on Post-it®Notes (one idea per note) to
be placed on flip-chart paper for evaluation. - After all ideas are exhausted for that combination, tell the last person to catch the
ball to throw it to someone else and repeat Steps 5 through 8.
The basic elements of Bouncing Ball are virtually identical to those of Balloon, Balloon,
Balloon [92]. A major difference is in how the random and nonrandom words are select-
ed. Bouncing Ball is easier to implement, but Balloon, Balloon, Balloon will probably pro-
vide more sustained fun.
Also consider having participants debrief using the following questions:
- What was most helpful about this exercise?
- What was most challenging?
- What can we apply?
- How would you rate the value of this exercise to helping us with this issue?
- Will this exercise be helpful in the future for other sessions?
- What did you learn?
- What will we be able to use from this exercise?
- What ideas were generated, and which ones were most interesting?
- Simplify and use this exercise as a warm-up exercise. Instead of requiring related and
unrelated words, just have whoever catches the ball shout out an idea that then is
written on a flip chart or Post-it®Note by a recorder.
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