101 Activities For Teaching Creativity And Problem Solving

(Joyce) #1


  • Greeting Cards Handout

45 minutes (requires prior preparation)

Related Activities

  • Brain Purge [82]

  • Museum Madness [86]

  • Altered States [91]

  • Brainsketching [94]


  1. Give out copies of the Greeting Cards Handout and answer any questions the
    members may have.

  2. Provide each group with the materials needed to create greeting cards.

  3. Instruct group members to look through the catalogs and magazines and cut out
    about ten pictures that look interesting.

  4. Tell the group members to paste the pictures onto sheets of paper folded in half
    and write catchy text. Indicate that the most effective cards use humor for tradi-
    tional themes such as belated birthday, divorce, friendship, or get well.

  5. After all the cards are constructed, reveal the problem to the participants.

  6. Direct the group members use the text, pictures, and themes of the cards as stim-
    uli for ideas.

  7. Have them write down their ideas on Post-it®Notes (one idea per note), and place
    them on flip charts for evaluation.

This is an excellent exercise to allow participants to express their creativity, to create a cli-
mate conducive to creative ideas, and to generate ideas. It obviously is a “hands on” exer-
cise that can keep participants engaged in a fun activity and generate some ideas as well.
As with many group idea generation activities, this activity also can provide a team-
building function due to the type of interactions required.
Also consider having participants debrief using the following questions:

  • What was most helpful about this exercise?

  • What was most challenging?

  • What can we apply?

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