101 Activities For Teaching Creativity And Problem Solving

(Joyce) #1

Activity Selection Guide 35

Chapter 11: Brainwriting with Related Stimuli

  1. As Easy As 6-3-5 X X 82,83,87,90 Any 20 R H LLLL

  2. Brain Purge X X X 82,85,87,90,101 Any 20 R H LLLL

  3. Group Not X X 81 Any 45 R H L M M L

  4. Idea Mixer X X X 81,82,83 Any 75 R H H M M M

  5. Idea Pool X X 81.82,84,101 Any 20 R H M L L L

  6. Museum
    Madness X X X 82,84,85 Any 45 R H M L M M

  7. Organizational
    Brainstorms X X X 83,90 Any 1 mo.** R H L H M L

  8. Out-of-the-Blue
    Lightening Bolt
    Cloudbuster X X 81,82,84,85,101 Any 20 R H M L H H

  9. You’re a Card,
    Andy! X X 81,82,84,85,88 Any 30 R H M M H H

  10. Your Slip Is
    Showing X X 81,83,85,86,87 Any 30 R H M L L L
    Chapter 12: Brainwriting with Unrelated Stimuli

  11. Altered
    States X X 81,82,84,85,86 Any 45 UR H H M M H

  12. Balloon, Balloon,
    Balloon X X X X 81,83,85,88 Any 45** R,UR MHMHH

  13. Bouncing
    Ball X X 67,78,88,92 Any 30 R,UR M M L H H

  14. Brainsketching X X X X 18,59,62,82,
    85,86,95 Any 45 R,UR M H M M M

  15. Doodlin’
    Around the
    Block X X 18,37,59,94 Any 30 UR M M H M M

  16. Greeting
    Cards X X 59,82,91,94 Any 45** UR H H M M H

  17. The Name
    Game X X 60,82,85 Any 60 UR H H H M H

  18. Pass the
    Buck X X X 81,84,86 Any 20 R,UR MMMMM

  19. Post It,
    Pardner! X X X 82,83,85,86 Any 30 UR H H M M M

  20. Puzzle
    Pieces X X 62,95 Any 30 R,UR H H L L M
    101.The Shirt
    Off Your Back X X X 82,85,86 Any 20 UR H M L H H

S=Strategy, NPS=New Products/Processes/Services, PSI=Product/Process/Service Improvements,
A/M=Advertising/Marketing, HR=Human Resources; *Requires participant prior activity, **Requires facilitator prior
preparation; BS=Brainstorming, BW=Brainwriting, R=Related, UR=Unrelated, L=Low, M=Medium, H=High.

IndividualGroupBrainstormingBrainwritingTop Ten Activity (Grp.)Related ActivitiesUses TimeStimuli QuantityNoveltyDifficultyEnergyFun Factora

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