Presentation Secrets Of Steve Jobs: How to Be Great in Front of Audience

(Ann) #1


  1. YouTube, “Macworld San Francisco 2006—The MacBook Pro
    Introduction,” YouTube, (accessed
    January 30, 2009).

  2. Smithsonian Institution, “Oral History Interview with Steve Jobs,”
    Smithsonian Institution Oral and Video Histories—Steve Jobs, April
    20, 1995,
    (accessed January 30, 2009).

Intermission: Obey the Ten-Minute Rule

  1. John Medina, Brain Rules (Seattle: Pear Press, 2008), 74.

  2. Apple, “Macworld San Francisco 2007 Keynote Address,” Apple, apple
    .com/quicktime/qtv/mwsf07 (accessed January 30, 2009).

Scene 8: Channel Their Inner Zen

  1. Rob Walker, “The Guts of a New Machine,” New York Times, November 30,
    ei=5007&en=750c9021e58923d5&ex=1386133200 (accessed January 30,

  2. Ibid.

  3. Nancy Duarte, Slide:ology (Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2008), 93.
    4.Gregory Berns, Iconoclast (Boston: Harvard Business Press, 2008), 36.

  4. Garr Reynolds, Presentation Zen (Berkeley: New Riders, 2008), 68.

  5. Ibid., 12.

  6. Carrie Kirby and Matthew Yi, “Apple Turns Thirty: The Man Behind the
    Mac,” SF Gate, March 26, 2006,
    a/2006/03/26/mng7ehueq51.dtl (accessed January 30, 2009).

  7. Garr Reynolds, Presentation Zen (Berkeley: New Riders, 2008), 113.

  8. Seth Godin’s Blog, “Nine Steps to PowerPoint Magic,” October 6, 2008,
    (accessed January 30, 2008).

  9. Leander Kahney, Inside Steve’s Brain (New York: Penguin Group, 2008), 61.

  10. Ibid., 60.

  11. Ibid., 131.

  12. Apple, “Macworld 2008 Keynote Address,” Apple,
    qtv/mwsf08 (accessed January 30, 2009).

  13. Apple, “Apple Special Event September 2008,” Apple Pre–Holiday Season
    Presentation, (accessed January 30,

  14. Richard Mayer and Roxana Moreno, “A Cognitive Theory of Multimedia
    Learning: Implications for Design Principles,” University of California,

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