THE NEW KINEMATICS 159 Next we must return to Kaufmann. Stimulated by the new theoretical devel- opments, he refined his experim ...
160 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY References Al. M. Abraham, Phys. Zeitschr. 4, 57 (1902). A2. , AdP 10, 105 (1903). Bl. M. Bor ...
THE NEW KINEMATICS l6l E31. in Kultur der Gegenwart (E. Lecher, Ed.), Vol.1, p. 251. Teubner, Leipzig, 1915. E32. , [E31], 2nd e ...
l62 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY T. Ogawa, Jap. St. Hist. Sci. 18, 73 (1979). H. Ott, Z. Pftys. 175, 70 (1963). PI. W. Pauli, ...
8 The Edge of History A New Way of Thinking. On April 6, 1922, the Societe Francaise de Phi- losophic (which Henri Poincare had ...
164 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY Why, on the whole, was Einstein so reticent to acknowledge the influence of the Michelson-Mor ...
THE EDGE OF HISTORY 165 Besso [E3], shows that access to the literature was difficult for the man from the patent office. In his ...
l66 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY all orders in v/c and also in which critical comments are made on the naive use of simultanei ...
THE EDGE OF HISTORY 167 imagining arbitrarily large velocities. In that way, one comes very close to the concept of absolute sim ...
l68 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY needs to make still a third hypothesis, much more surprising, much more difficult to accept, ...
THE EDGE OF HISTORY 169 Lorentz and Poincare. Every paper by Poincare dealing with the principle of relativity acknowledges Lor ...
170 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY (the year he spoke in Goettingen) he would never have heard of Einstein's activ- ities in thi ...
THE EDGE OF HISTORY 171 lated immediately in his mind into an anticipation of new phenomena, susceptible some day to experimenta ...
172 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY stein's death. The task of speaking about Lorentz and Poincare fell to Born (who had attended ...
THE EDGE OF HISTORY 173 abruptly dawned on him after a discussion with Besso. Is it possible that this experience was so overwhe ...
174 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY L4. , [LI], 2nd edn., 1915, p. 321. L5. , draft of letter to A. Einstein, January 1915, undat ...
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9 'The Happiest Thought of my Life' Musz es sein? Es musz sein. The February 17,1921, issue of Nature is almost completely devot ...
178 RELATIVITY, THE GENERAL THEORY original manuscript is now in the Pierpont Morgan Library in New York City and in what follow ...
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