5 The Reality of Molecules 5a. About the Nineteenth Century, Briefly Chemistry. In 1771 work was completed on the first edition ...
80 STATISTICAL PHYSICS alike in shape, weight, and every other particular' [Bl]. Note that Dalton's com- pound atom is what we c ...
THE REALITY OF MOLECULES 8l more than one compound of two elements, then the ratios of the amounts of weight of one element whic ...
82 STATISTICAL PHYSICS be, let its defects be laid bare and examined. Let them be remedied if possible, or let the theory be rej ...
THE REALITY OF MOLECULES 83 one of them its life' [P3]. This is the battle which Ostwald joined in 1895 when he addressed a meet ...
84 STATISTICAL PHYSICS the ten thousand millionth of an inch' [Yl].* In 1866 Loschmidt calculated the diameter of an air molecul ...
THE REALITY OF MOLECULES 85 tions for n (hence for N) and d. (Loschmidt applied his reasoning to air, for which A was known expe ...
86 STATISTICAL PHYSICS extremely bold [the transformation theory] was and how unacceptable to the atomists of the time' [R3]. Th ...
THE REALITY OF MOLECULES 87 chemical equilibrium in solutions 'that there is a fundamental analogy, nay almost an identity, with ...
88 STATISTICAL PHYSICS The extension of Avogadro's law: equal volumes of solutions at the same p and T contain the same number ...
THE REALITY OF MOLECULES 89 approval the favorable reports by Kleiner and by Burkhardt, who had been asked by Kleiner to check t ...
90 STATISTICAL PHYSICS Of course, relative citation frequencies are no measure of relative importance. Who has not aspired to wr ...
THE REALITY OF MOLECULES 91 and m were also known. Thus Eqs. 5.7 and 5.8 represent one relation between the two unknowns N and a ...
92 STATISTICAL PHYSICS viscosity in the Stokes regime. Equation 5.12 is the second relation for the two unknowns N and a. By a q ...
THE REALITY OF MOLECULES 93 5d. Eleven Days Later: Brownian Motion* Another Bit of Nineteenth Century History. During the ninet ...
94 STATISTICAL PHYSICS nation in terms of molecular collisions was not entirely abandoned. Take, for example, the case of Louis ...
THE REALITY OF MOLECULES 95 gave him N = 6.17 X 1023 (!).* The second one makes use of the incompressible flow of solutions and ...
where n(x, t) is the number of particles per unit volume around x at time t. The essence of Einstein's attack on Brownian motion ...
THE REALITY OF MOLECULES 97 In this, Einstein's fundamental equation for Brownian motion, (x^2 ), t, a, 77 are measurable; there ...
STATISTICAL PHYSICS Since the particles move independently, we can relate n(x,t + r)dx to the distri- bution at time t by Develo ...
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