THE REALITY OF MOLECULES 99 is larger by many orders of magnitude than {x^2 ) /t^2 , the squared average velocity computed from ...
100 STATISTICAL PHYSICS Brownian motion. This difference seemed to him to be 'disquieting, since one must say that the theoretic ...
THE REALITY OF MOLECULES 101 tury studies on Brownian motion, not least because he had remained in touch with Felix Exner, a com ...
102 STATISTICAL PHYSICS through a gas increases strongly in a neighborhood O(1°C) of the critical point. In 1908 Smoluchowski be ...
THE REALITY OF MOLECULES 1O3 found that the link between critical opalescence and Rayleigh scattering is quan- titative and, onc ...
104 STATISTICAL PHYSICS La theorie atomique a triomphe. Nombreux encore naguere, ses adversaires enfin conquis renoncent 1'un ap ...
THE REALITY OF MOLECULES 105 E5. —, AdP 19, 289 (1906). E6. , in Kultur der Gegenwart (E. Lecher, Ed.). Teubner, Leipzig, 1915 ( ...
1O6 STATISTICAL PHYSICS N2. , [Nl], p. 4. N3. Nobel Lectures in Chemistry, p. 3. Elsevier, New York, 1966. N4. M. J. Nye, [Nl], ...
THE REALITY OF MOLECULES 107 T3. J. J. Thomson, Phil. Mag. 48, 565 (1899). T4. A. Teske, Marian Smoluchowski, Leben und Werk. Po ...
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6 ' Subtle is the Lord...' 6a. The Michelson-Morley Experiment Maxwell's article Ether, written for the ninth edition of the Enc ...
112 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY Maxwell requested and received data on the Jovian system from David Peck Todd, Director of th ...
SUBTLE IS THE LORD 113 Proceeding along the same general lines used in the Potsdam experiments, they built a new interferometer. ...
114 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY lished [M10]. Later that year, he made the same claim in his retiring address in Kansas City ...
SUBTLE IS THE LORD 115 theory of relativity 'must be accorded a generous acceptance' and gave a clear expose of Lorentz transfor ...
Il6 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY for the first and last time: 'I have come among men who for many years have been true comrade ...
SUBTLE IS THE LORD 117 am not sure when I first heard of the Michelson experiment. I was not conscious that it had influenced me ...
where n is the refractive index of the liquid (assumed a nondispersive medium). Fresnel derived this result from the assumption ...
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