THE NEW KINEMATICS 139 As indicated in Chapter 6, special relativity was born after a decade of gestation. However, the crucial ...
140 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY and the relativity principle of classical mechanics. This principle, already long known by th ...
THE NEW KINEMATICS 14! The laws of physics take the same form in all inertial frames. In any given inertial frame, the velocity ...
142 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY B's, and B's with that of a third observer C, then A's is synchronous with C's. Synchronicity ...
THE NEW KINEMATICS 143 The relations between the two sets of coordinates implied by these two equations are assumed to be linear ...
144 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY inertial frame as one single Lorentz transformation with the velocity v, + v 2 [Kl]. (It took ...
THE NEW KINEMATICS 145 which is an immediate consequence of Eq. 7.9: let y, = c/n, v 2 = v and expand to the first order in vlv ...
146 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY and thus obtained what he called a 'new manner of expression' for the Lorentz force: whereas ...
THE NEW KINEMATICS 147 and v remarkable without referring to his own quantum relation between the energy and the frequency of li ...
148 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY 7b. September 1905: About E = me^2 'The mass of a body is a measure of its energy content,' E ...
THE NEW KINEMATICS 149 I cannot know whether the dear Lord doesn't laugh about this and has played a trick on me' (... mich an d ...
150 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY nal would draw immediate attention. He expected sharp opposition and the severest criticism. ...
THE NEW KINEMATICS 151 7.15, 7.16 as d(myx')/dt' — K'. The straightforward derivation of Eq. 7.23 via the energy-momentum conser ...
152 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY where xl} x 2 , x 3 denote the spatial variables. The most important remarks made in this col ...
THE NEW KINEMATICS 153 Early in 1912, Wilhelm Wien, Nobel laureate in physics for 1911, wrote to Stockholm to make the following ...
154 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY A comment on the possibilities for determining the quantity (1 — v^2 /c^2 ) in beta-ray expe ...
THE NEW KINEMATICS 155 We have now discussed special relativity from its nineteenth century antece- dents to Einstein's motivati ...
156 RELATIVITY, THE SPECIAL THEORY increased. ...' Thus he discovered the electromagnetic mass /i, though he did not give it tha ...
THE NEW KINEMATICS 157 querel Rays [i.e., /?-rays] and the Apparent Mass of the Electron' [K3]. Stimu- lated by these investigat ...
where '0' refers to the rest frame. Since T^ is traceless and since the rest frame is spatially isotropic, these transformation ...
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