12d. The Stumbling Block
Clearly, Einstein and Grossmann were in quest of a tensor !"„, of such a kind that
the Newton-Poisson equation
(see Eqs. 12.17 and 12.18). There remained the last question: what are the field
equations of gravitation itself? Einstein guessed correctly that 'the needed gener-
alization [of the Newtonian equations] should be of the form
where ... F,,,, is a ... tensor of the second rank which is generated by differential
operations from the fundamental tensor gf,.'
Then the trouble began.
would emerge as a limiting case. This, Einstein said, was impossible as long as
one requires, in the spirit of Eq. 12.35 that F^ be no higher than second order in
the derivatives of the g^. Two arguments are given for this erroneous conclusion.
The first one, found in Einstein's part, can be phrased as follows. One needs a
generalization of div grad 0. The generalization of the gradient operator is the
covariant differentiation. The generalization of 0 is g^. But the covariant deriv-
ative of g,,, vanishes (Eq. 12.16)! In Einstein's words, 'These operations [the cov-
ariant version of div grad] degenerate when they are applied to ... g^. From this,
it seems to follow that the sought-for equations will be covariant only with respect
to a certain group of transformations ... which for the time being is unknown to
The second argument, contained in Grossmann's part, is also incorrect. As was
mentioned above, Grossmann saw that the Ricci tensor (Eq. 12.20) might well be
a candidate for T^ in Eq. 12.34. However, according to Grossmann, 'it turns out
... that this tensor does not reduce to A0 in the special case of the weak gravita-
tional field.' Reluctantly, the conclusion is drawn in EG that the invariance group
for the gravitational equations has to be restricted to linear transformations only
(dx"/dx'f is independent of x"), since then, it is argued, d/dx"(gvdgp,,/dx'') does
transform like a tensor, which, moreover, reduces to Q^ in the weak-field limit
given by Eq. 12.29. 'If the field is static and if only g^ varies [as a function of
x], then we arrive at the case of Newton's gravitation theory.' The troublesome
Eq. 12.16 had been evaded!
Einstein also gave a 'physical argument' for the impossibility of generally
covariant equations for the gravitational field. This argument, though of course