for gy, as mentioned above, applied this time to compute unbound orbits.* The
discussion of the momentous consequences of this result will be reserved for Chap-
ter 16.
- November the Twenty-Fifth \E1\:
The work is done. The conservation laws are satisfied: yg = 1 is no equation of
principle but rather an important guide to the choice of convenient coordinate
systems. The identity Eq. 14.9, thought earlier to have major physical implica-
tions, is replaced by a triviality. The calculations of the week before remain
Any physical theory that obeys special relativity can be incorporated into the
general theory of relativity; the general theory does not provide any criterion
for the admissibility of that physical theory.... Finally the general theory of
relativity is closed as a logical structure.[El]
Note that Eq. 14.15 is equivalent to R" - g^R/2 = -K.T".
In Section 12d, I mentioned that Einstein did not know the Bianchi identities
when he did his work with Grossmann. He still did not know them on November
25 and therefore did not realize that the energy-momentum conservation laws
follow automatically from Eqs. 14.15 and 14.16. Instead, he used these conser-
vation laws as a constraint on the theory! I paraphrase his argument. Start from
Eq. 14.15 but with the coefficient % replaced by a number a to be determined.
Differentiate Eq. 14.15 covariantly and use Eq. 14.17. Next take the trace of Eq.
14.15, then differentiate. One finds that (R" + a(\ - 4a)-y7?):, = 0 (use
gi** = 0)- Choose coordinates such that \fg = 1. See if there is a solution for a.
One finds a = & Einstein's choice of coordinates is of course admissible, but it
is an unnecessary restriction that prevented him from discovering Eq. 14.16 as a
generally covariant relation. We shall see in Section 15c how the Bianchi identities
finally entered physics.
Einstein's brief belief in Eq. 14.9 may have been a useful mistake, since he had
discovered that funny equation by the same compatibility method. In the case of
Eq. 14.8, the relations are r = — /cTand r£ = 0. The term on the left-hand side
in Eq. 14.9 arose because in the November 4 paper Einstein had redefined his
*Einstein inserted those gf, into gf,dx"dx' = 0 and then applied Huyghens" principle.