
(Kiana) #1

  1. A. Einstein, Autobiographisches, in Albert Einstein: Philosopher-Scientist (P.
    Schilpp, Ed.); Tudor, New York, 1949. Cited below as E. The closest Einstein
    ever came to writing an autobiography. Indispensable.

  2. C. Seelig, Albert Einstein; Europa Verlag, Zurich, 1960. Quoted below as Se.
    The material is based in part on an extensive correspondence between the
    author and A. Einstein, Margot Einstein, and Helen Dukas. This biography
    is a much-expanded version of an earlier book by C. Seelig, Albert Einstein;
    Europa Verlag, Zurich, 1954. (The English translation of this last book is not

  3. B. Hoffmann in collaboration with H. Dukas, Albert Einstein, Creator and
    Rebel; Viking, New York, 1972.

  4. Albert Einstein in Bern by M. Fliickiger; Paul Haupt Verlag, Bern, 1974.
    Cited below as F. Contains a number of reproductions of rare documents per-
    taining to Einstein's younger days. The text contains numerous inaccuracies.

  5. Philipp Frank, Albert Einstein, sein Leben und seine Zeit; Vieweg, Braun-
    schweig, 1979. This German version is superior to the English edition, Ein-
    stein, His Life and Time, Knopf, New York, 1947, since large parts of the
    German edition do not appear in the English one. The German edition also
    contains an introduction by Einstein in which he mentions that he encouraged
    Frank to write this book.

  6. H. E. Specker, Ed. Einstein und Ulm; Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, 1979. Contains
    details about Einstein's ancestry, including a family tree.

  7. C. Kirsten and H. J. Treder, Ed., Albert Einstein in Berlin 1913-1933; Aka-
    demie Verlag, Berlin, 1979. An annotated collection of documents from the
    archives of the Prussian Academy of Sciences. Splendid.


El. E, p. 8.
Ela. Pauline Einstein, letter to Jette Koch, August 1, 1886.
E2. A. Einstein, letter to H. Friedmann, March 18, 1929.
E3. E, p. 4.
E4. A. Einstein, letter to Hermann Broch, September 2, 1945.
E5. , Mes Projets d'Avenir; the original is in the Staatsarchiv Kanton Aargau.
E6. , letter to Rosa Winteler, June 3, 1897.
E7. E, p. 14.
E8. A. Einstein, letter to E. F. Magnin, February 25, 1931.
E9. E, p. 16.
E10. A. Einstein, letter to H. Zangger, summer 1912.
Ell. —, letter to A. Hurwitz, September 23, 1900.
E12. , letter to A. Hurwitz, September 26, 1900.
E13. , AdP4, 513, (1901).
E14. , letter to M. Crossman, April 14, 1901.
E15. , letter to W. Ostwald, March 19, 1901.
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