The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival

(Ron) #1

legendary heroes, were hunting on the Bikin when they were attacked by
an egule in the river; their boat was destroyed and Uza was eaten.
Miraculously, Uza survived and managed to escape from inside the egule.
He then killed the beast, fashioned a tent from its skin and bones, and
made it his home.
But Uza was a hero and, in the Panchelaza, in the 1990s, heroes were in
short supply. And so, this latter-day egule roamed at will. Stranded
between the worlds of animals and men, at once fixated and unhinged,
there was no law to hold such a creature, and no known words to recall it.
When the tiger left the road workers’ camp on Sunday, the 7th, he crossed
the gravel highway, and made his way down the Takhalo toward the
Bikin. In this animal’s chest was a heart the size of a child’s head, and it
was pounding away, blending the bad blood with the good and driving the
tiger on.

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