Easy Fish Pose
Sukha Matsyasana
(SUK-uh muhts-YAHS-uh-nuh)
Also Known As: Eastern Intense Stretch Pose Prep. (Purvottanasana Prep.), Reverse Plank Prep.
Modification: forearms to the floor, head off the floor, sole of the foot to the opposite knee
Pose Type: seated, backbend
Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)
Revolved Hand to Foot Pose in Half Eastern Intense Stretch Pose on the
Parivritta Hasta Padasana in Ardha Purvottanasana
(puh-ri-VRIT-tuh HUH-stuh puh-DAHS-uh-nuh in UHR-duh poor-vo-tahn-AHS-uh-nuh)
Also Known As: Revolved Hand to Foot Pose in Reverse Table Top, Revolved Hand to Foot Pose in
Half Reverse Plank
Modification: forearm on the floor; grabbing onto the outside edge of the foot, leg straight
Pose Type: standing (on the forearm and the foot), twist
Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)