2,100 Asanas: The Complete Yoga Poses

(Elliott) #1

One Leg Stretched Upward Pose

Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana

(OORD-vuh pruh-SAH-ri-tuh ey-kuh-puhd-AHS-uh-nuh)
Modification: both hands grabbing onto the ankle, forehead to the shin
Pose Type: standing one-legged balance, forward bend
Drishti Point: Nasagrai or Nasagre (nose) if chin touches the shin

Unsupported One Leg Stretched Upward Pose

Niralamba Urdhva Prasarita Ekapadasana

(nir-AH-luhm-buh OORD-vuh pruh-SAH-ri-tuh ey-kuh-puhd-AHS-uh-nuh)
Modification: arms straight along the sides of the torso, fingertips to the sky
Pose Type: standing one-legged balance, forward bend
Drishti Point: Nasagrai or Nasagre (nose), Padayoragrai or Padayoragre (toes/feet), Bhrumadhye or
Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)

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