Reverse Prayer Intense Leg Stretch
Viparita Namaskar Uttana Padasana
(vi-puh-REE-tuh nuh-muhs-KAHR ut-TAHN-uh puh-DAHS-uh-nuh)
Also Known As: Back of the Body Prayer Intense Leg Stretch (Paschima Namaskara Uttana
Modification: legs straight and off the floor, ankles crossed
Pose Type: seated, backbend, core
Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)
Intense Leg Stretch
Uttana Padasana
(ut-TAHN-uh puh-DAHS-uh-nuh)
Modification: legs straight and off the floor; arms straight in front of the chest, palms pressed together
Pose Type: seated, backbend, core
Drishti Point: Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the eyebrows)