2,100 Asanas: The Complete Yoga Poses

(Elliott) #1

  1. Start in Staff Pose (Dandasana), both legs extended in front of you. Grab onto your sitting bones

and pull back the flesh to lengthen your legs and spine.

  1. Sit in a cross-legged position that is comfortable. You can sit on a chair, in Easy Pose

(Sukhasana), in Half Lotus (Ardha Padmasana), or Full Lotus (Padmasana). Press your sitting
bones into the ground as you extend up through the spine. Lift the crown of your head up to the sky.
Place one hand on top of the other and have the thumbs lightly touch. Gently close your eyes.
Perform the 1:4:2 Healing Breath Zen Meditation as follows:
Inhale for a count of 4 and feel your lower abdomen expand as you push it out. Hold and retain the
air in your lungs for the count of 16. Exhale for a count of 8 as you squeeze the belly button back to
the spine. Visualize the numbers as you count throughout the set. This will help develop what is
called “one-pointed concentration.” Your breathing must be so fine that it would not ruffle a
feather. Each count should be one second long.
After 10 breath cycles are performed, the exercise is finished. In an authentic yoga practice, the
ego may not be permitted to intrude into the process. Don’t “perform” the exercises as if you had
an appreciative audience. This is your personal journey. Explore and express yourself while you
gain the wonderful physical and mental benefits. This breathing technique is called Abdominal
Breathing and should be maintained during the entire yoga practice.
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