2,100 Asanas: The Complete Yoga Poses

(Elliott) #1

In Sanskrit the word chakra can be translated into “wheel” or “turning.” In the yogic interpretation,
the chakras are based on the concept of a vortex and are visually portrayed as a lotus flower.

According to various Eastern yogic spiritual practices such as Hinduism and Tantric Buddhism,
chakras are described as wheels or rings of energy found in the subtle (non-physical) body; the
culmination of the mind, intelligence, and ego, which influences the gross physical body. Within this
subtle body there are energy channels called nadis that carry the life force or vital energy (prana).
The main nadi that runs through the chakras is called the sushumna (brahma) nadi. The sushumna
joins two other important nadis (ida and pingala) together at the first and seventh chakras. The
diameter of a singular nadi is believed to be no thicker than a thousandth of a hair’s width and is
located along the spine.

There are various opinions on how many chakras there are, but it is generally agreed that chakras
spin in a “wheel-like” motion to draw in vital energy that creates a balance between the spiritual and
physical body.

The earliest known recording of chakras dates back to the ancient Vedas (1700 BCE). The most
popular chakra model used today is based on two Indian texts: Shat-Cakra-Nirupana, written by a
Bengali yogi named Purnananda Swami in 1577, and the Padaka-Panchaka, written in the 10th

Chakras are activated in the following ways:
By stretching open the area where the chakra is located. For example, the throat chakra can be
activated in Camel Pose (Ushtrasana). The head is rolled back so there is a stretch in the front of the

By applying physical pressure on the area where the chakra is located. Throat chakra, for example,
can be activated in Staff Pose (Dandasana). The Chin Lock (Jaladhara Bandha) is engaged by
bringing the chin to the clavicle bone, therefore applying pressure to the throat area.

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