2,100 Asanas: The Complete Yoga Poses

(Elliott) #1

Revolved Gate Pose

Parivritta Parighasana

(puh-ri-VRIT-tuh puh-ri-GAHS-uh-nuh)

Modification: forearm to the floor, hand grabbing onto the opposite foot, other arm straight up to the
sky, toes of the straight leg pointed to the side, toes of the bent leg pointing away from the head
Pose Type: standing, forward bend, twist
Drishti Point: Hastagrai or Hastagre (hands)

Revolved Half Bound Gate Pose

Parivritta Ardha Baddha Parighasana

(puh-ri-VRIT-tuh UHR-duh BUH-duh puh-ri-GAHS-uh-nuh)

Modification: forearm to the floor, twisting toward the straight leg, toes of the straight leg pointing to
the side
Pose Type: standing, forward bend, twist, binding
Drishti Point: Urdhva or Antara Drishti (up to the sky)

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