2,100 Asanas: The Complete Yoga Poses

(Elliott) #1
Arm balances with both feet off the floor–Ex. Leg Position of Cow Face Pose in Pendant Pose
(Pada Gomukhasana in Lolasana) here. These poses are demanding on the upper body and may
increase heart rate, which can increase blood pressure.
Backbends with hands and feet on the floor–Ex. Elevated Both Legs Inverted Staff Pose (Utthita
Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana) here. Poses such as these can be demanding on the upper body
and can elevate blood pressure by increasing heart rate.


  1. Menstruation
    During a period, uterine contractions can cause painful cramps in the lower abdomen and lower
    back. Yoga can help release endorphins to relax the body. Stretch out the lower body and back to
    help release the pain. Forward bends, inside hip openers, and gentle twists can help relieve the
    symptoms of menstruation.
    Some are of the opinion that inversions can cause engorgement in the blood vessels of the uterus,
    which may increase blood flow, and should be avoided during a period. On the other hand, B.K.S.
    Iyengar’s book The Path to Holistic Health recommends inversions during a period to reduce
    blood flow. You should listen to your own body and judge accordingly. If you are not feeling
    strong, engage in a slower-paced yoga pose practice.


Supine hip openers–Ex. Universal All-Encompassing Diamond Pose (Vishvavajrasana) here.
Poses such as this open up the hips and groin and allow the lumbar spine to rest, which can help
relieve the menstrual discomfort.
Low squats–Ex. One Leg Bound Garland Pose (Eka Pada Baddha Malasana) here. Practice poses
such as this to stretch out the groin, the chest, and front shoulders. Releasing tension from those
areas can help relieve menstrual discomfort.
Seated hip openers–Ex. One Legged King Pigeon Pose 1 Prep. (Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana 1
Prep.) here. Poses such as this help open up the hip and stretch the lower abdomen, which can help
relieve menstrual discomfort due to tension in that area.
Backbends on the knees–Ex. Camel Pose (Ushtrasana) here. Poses such as this can help stretch
out the lower abdomen and release tension from that region, which can help relieve menstrual
Gentle seated twists–Ex. Easy Lord of The Fishes Pose Prep. (Sukha Matsyendrasana Prep.)
here. Seated twists stimulate internal organs and can help relieve the symptoms of menstruation by
gently encouraging the natural blood flow during menstruation.


Arm balances with hands and feet on the floor–Ex. Four Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga
Dandasana) here. Poses such as this are very demanding on the upper body and core, and may
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