2,100 Asanas: The Complete Yoga Poses

(Elliott) #1
your internal organs and may be damaging to the developing fetus.
Forward bend twists–Ex. Two Hands Revolved Western Intense Stretch Pose (Dwi Hasta
Parivritta Paschimottanasana) here. Don’t do any forward bends or twists that compress the
abdomen and squeeze the fetus and placenta.
Core poses–Ex. Revolved Boat Pose (Parivritta Navasana) here. Don’t do strenuous core poses
that compress the abdomen.
Prone poses–Ex. One-Legged Pose Dedicated to Siddhar Konganar (Eka Pada Konganarasana)
here. Avoid prone poses since they put a lot of pressure on the abdomen.
Supine poses where the back is flat on the floor–Ex. Reclined Leg Position of Cow Face Pose
(Supta Pada Gomukhasana) here. Supine poses with the back flat on the floor take out the natural
curve in the lumbar spine that is present during pregnancy and can compress the fetus and placenta.
Intense backbends–Ex. One-Legged Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Kapotasana) here. Intense backbends
create too much stretch in the abdomen and should be avoided during pregnancy.


  1. Menopause
    Common symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes and mood swings can be alleviated with
    regular yoga pose practice. Focus on poses that open up the pelvic area as well as mediation to
    help control stress.
    Avoid practicing hot yoga and avoid overexertion. Both can trigger menopause symptoms. It is
    recommended to avoid vigorous Sun Salutes, as they can increase body temperature and cause hot


Mild supine backbends–Ex. Bridge Whole Body Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana) here. Mild
backbends open up the chest and heart area. They can help balance blood pressure and hormonal
secretions as well as help relieve mood swings and hot flashes.
Supine hip openers–Ex. Reclined Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana) here. These poses
open up the chest, heart and pelvic areas. Blood flow is increased into the pelvic area and
reproductive organs and that can help balance hormonal functions. These poses can help relieve
high blood pressure, headaches, and breathing problems.
Supine thigh openers–Ex. Reclined Hero Pose (Supta Virasana) here. Poses such as this can help
improve blood circulation in the ovarian region and stimulate the pelvic organs, which can help
balance hormonal functions and relieve the symptoms of menopause.


Backbends on hands and feet–Ex. Tip Toe One Hand Upward Bow Pose (Prapada Eka Hasta
Urdhva Dhanurasana) here. Poses such as these can be too strenuous on the upper body (arms and
shoulders). They can raise the body temperature and cause hot flashes.
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