Half Fire Log Pose in Half Bound Hero Pose
Ardha Agnistambhasana in Ardha Baddha Virasana
(UHR-duh uhg-ni-stuhm-BAHS-uh-nuh in UHR-duh BUH-duh veer-AHS-uh-nuh)
Modification: 1. grabbing onto the hip
- grabbing onto the heel
Pose Type: seated, binding
Drishti Point: Nasagrai or Nasagre (nose), Hastagrai or Hastagre (hands)
Pose Dedicated to Sage Bharadvaja 2 Prep.
Bharadvajasana 2 Prep.
Modification: palms together, heels of the palms resting on the crown of the head, neutral spine
Pose Type: seated
Drishti Point: Nasagrai or Nasagre (nose), Bhrumadhye or Ajna Chakra (third eye, between the