(Ewa) #1
Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus + program. Action ka2, Strategic partnerships,
Vocational education and training sector
No of the project: 2018 - 1 - PL01-KA202- 051120

A good way to start is to think about problems you face in your every day life or to list needs that people near you have. What kind of solution
would solve the problem or be good for the environment or people? Is there a product that we use a lot and need but is somehow harmful – could
it be made more sustainable? Or could you offer a service that would help in achieving sustainability?

It is time to stand up and go and write down your ideas. Don ́t hesitate or evaluate! There are no stupid or bad ideas, every idea counts! THINK
BIG! Write down your dreams! No matter how small or impossible or grazy your idea might seem, it can turn out to be successful. Remember to
keep moving, it makes your brain work better.

Your task is

to write down as many ideas as possible. Afterwards you will decide as a team which idea you want to develop.


For tutors: Remember to start with the strenghts and opportunities and first then think about possible weaknesses and threats. Use
e.g. Post it! Then discuss the strenghts together, write them down on a bigger paper and think about them as the strenghts of the
team and how they could be/become opportunities of the company, considering the business idea. Then the same thing with
weaknesses and threats.

You have picked up a business idea (or two) to develop. It is time to stop for a while and think about your strengths as an individual and as a
team. Write down things you like, things that make you excited or happy and things you are good at. Then discuss these together with your
How about things you are not good at? List things you don ́t like doing or you would rather skip and let someone else do, things you find
annoying or stressful. Then discuss these with others. (WEAKNESSES - > THREATS)

STRENGHTS: What kind of strengths does your team and your idea have? (e.g. your knowledge, good product) 
WEAKNESSES: What kind of weaknesses does your team or idea have? (e.g. financial situation) 
OPPORTUNITIES: What opportunities do you see for your idea? (e.g. product development) 
THREATS: What kind of threats could be preventing your success? (e.g. legislation, competitors)

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