(Ewa) #1
Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus + program. Action ka2, Strategic partnerships,
Vocational education and training sector
No of the project: 2018 - 1 - PL01-KA202- 051120

Your task is

to do the swot-analysis and after that discuss and write down short answers to following questions:
WHAT is the product or the service we provide?
WHO are our potential customers?
HOW do we make the product or provide the service?

At this point you have to decide what will be your business idea if you still had a couple of alternatives!


The idea behind these tasks/this company portfolio is to help you to develop your business idea and actually make it concrete by writing things
down. When you write everything down, it will help you later on with your operations. Don’t think that this is just one of those obligatory school
tasks. These tasks are the ones, you need to do, when(/if) you are setting up your own company in the future!

For tutors: please note that the next two taks can be done at the same time, so that eveybody can be creative and has something to

Company name and logo

The name and the logo of the company are important. A good name and a good logo attract attention and are easy to recognize and to
remember. They become an important part of the image of the company. Think about the logos of some companys you know. What makes
them good?

Your task is

to find a name and to create a logo for your company.

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