(Ewa) #1

Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus + program. Action ka2, Strategic partnerships,
Vocational education and training sector
No of the project: 2018 - 1 - PL01-KA202- 051120

to describe your target with as much detail as you can, based on your knowledge of your product or service. Write down the characteristics of
your customer and write also down why you think this is your main target group. 

Create also an image of your typical customer. Pick up a package that could represent your customer and with help of other material make
a collage. This part of today ́s work you will present to the other teams in the evening.


For tutors: In this task there are a lot of things to consider and some of them can seem difficult. Encourage however the group to try
anyway because these are the kind of questions the jury usually asks about and things that need to be part of the company presentation.
For the actual business they have time to develop the aspects further but the more they do the easier it is to get helpful feedback from
others (next task) and the judges.

Business plan analyses and develops the company and its actions.

Name of the company:
Members of the company: 
School and country:
Short description of the business idea: 

Do a short summary of your business idea. Start with the industry that the company is operating in. Think about What are we selling? Who are
we selling to? How are we selling? 

Product / Service (What is the company doing?)

Use the following questions to describe your product / service:
What is your product / service that you are offering? What is unique about it? Does it have any weaknesses? What is the benefit and added value
that it brings to your customers? Is the pricing right with your product / service and does the price reflect the quality?

How to sell and the company image 

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