(Ewa) #1

Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus + program. Action ka2, Strategic partnerships,
Vocational education and training sector
No of the project: 2018 - 1 - PL01-KA202- 051120

You can validate your idea by interviewing your supposed target group. When you are talking to people, who don’t know about your idea,
remember, it is they who get to decide where or in how big dimension they see value in your idea, not you. That means that what you see in your
product/service, is not necessarily what they think is valuable about it. Ask questions, take notes and analyze the answers.

Your task is

to get feedback and additional ideas for your business idea.  And afterwards analyse them within the team.

  1. Go and ask people, who might be your supposed target group and pitch your business idea for them. Remember to
    keep it simple and short (max 45 seconds).

  2. Ask them after the pitch what they find most appealing. Write down the notes.

PS. You can’t validate an idea if you seem pathetic. People here are generally willing to make your business better, but they also don’t want to
feel guilty or deal with messy emotions. If it seems like negative feedback might make you sad, you’re going to get a load of false positives and it
won’t help you! So keep up the good spirit despite of negative feedback and talk about disappointments with your own team

▪ What did you find out while validating your idea?
▪ Does the problem exist, and is it actually a problem worth solving?
▪ Are there enough people out there that have this problem? Where are they?
▪ Is your product / service the best solution to the problem?
▪ Are people willing to put down money for your solution? How much? 

The questions above are not YES/NO questions – please elaborate on your answers and see whether they affect your business plan or not. Make
the necessary changes there.

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