(Ewa) #1
Project co-financed under the European Union Erasmus + program. Action ka2, Strategic partnerships,
Vocational education and training sector
No of the project: 2018 - 1 - PL01-KA202- 051120


For tutors: The sales pitch and the presentation can be done at the same time. Everyone or at least most of the members of the
team/company should participate in the presentation but only one or two persons should give the sales pitch. Everyone can of
course help writing it. There are different structures how to do the pitch, the group is supposed to pick one. If necessary, you can
look for good examples on YouTube.

Sales pitch is a short verbal presentation of your idea with strong supporting arguments included. Sales Pitches are sometimes called elevator
pitches. Pitch length can vary between 30 seconds to 4-5 minutes depending on the place and audience. The purpose of the pitch is to
stimulate interest, not to cover every aspect or your company. Your goal is to generate enough interest to get a second meeting.

Pitch can be build based on one the following structures. 

  1. Elevator Pitch
    A quick one-liner summary that combines your vision/product/service and the mission of your company 

  2. Market Opportunity: Define market size & your customer base
    Define Your Market: What business/space are you in (for example total market size) 

  3. Problem & Current Solutions: What need do you fill?
    Define the real problem/need you’re solving, and for who.
    Who else is already doing this and how are they going about it and what are they not getting right or
    doing wrong?

  4. Product or Service: Your solution
    Tell the story of your (future) customer and how customers use/value your product or service
    Images and visuals are better than lots of text: show don’t tell

  5. Validation: What are we validating?
    Is there demand for your product / service, how did you validate your idea? 

  6. Business Model: Key Revenue Streams and financials
    Who is your primary customer & how do you make money
    What is the pricing model you are using?

  7. Market Approach & Strategy: How you grow your business
    Where are your customers looking for and finding help currently? 
    How are you doing it differently than others in the space?

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