Find a quiet place to sit with no disturbances. Place a small pillow or a
folded blanket beneath your sit bones; you will be most comfortable sitting
when the creases of your hips are slightly higher than your knees. Set a
timer for five minutes; having a set time frame helps your mind settle. Let
your hands rest on your knees, palms down. Lengthen your spine and
draw the shoulders down your back. Now close your eyes.
Focus on the natural pace of your breath. Notice the gentle expansion
and contraction of the low belly. Feel the flow of air through your nostrils
and the subtle changes of the body with every breath. Start directing your
awareness to the small space you have between the two sides of the breath;
the pause between the inhale and the exhale, and the gap between the
exhale and the inhale. Stay very, very present with your breath. When
thoughts arise, don’t judge or resist. Don’t try to chase them. Watch your
thoughts pass. See if you can, through conscious awareness of the breath,
create more space in between each thought. Stay here. Breathe. Be
present. When your five minutes are up, bring your hands together at the
center of your heart and extend gratitude to everyone and everything you
have to be grateful for in life. Repeat to yourself the holiest of all mantras:
thank you, thank you, thank you. Turn the corners of your mouth into a
smile and open your eyes.
Set aside time every day to do this! Gradually increase the time you sit
in silence until you’re comfortable meditating for twenty minutes each day.
Give yourself these moments of peace. Of calm. Of love. Trust that you
are on the right path and that life will take you exactly where you need to
be. Practice yoga. Meditate. Eat well. Be kind to yourself! Your body,
mind, and soul will thank you.