You Are a Badass

(Tuis.) #1

losers. I get it—it can be hilariously
funny and I’m totally guilty of it from
time to time and there’s nobody I’d more
enjoy backing over with my car than the
guy who can’t laugh at himself, but I’m
talking about the nonstop, self-
flagellating, I Suckfest. Ripping on
yourself gets old. Fast. Especially if it’s
your shtick. So if you’re one of those
people who falls back on making fun of
yourself, every hour on the hour, not only
are you basically begging people to think
you’re a loser, but you’re begging
yourself to think you’re a loser. It’s like
hitting yourself over and over with a
crowbar. Why on earth would you do
that to your awesome self?

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