The Daily Stoic

(Dana P.) #1


June    8th

“You    must    build   up  your    life    action  by  action, and be  content if  each    one achieves    its goal    as  far
as possible—and no one can keep you from this. But there will be some external obstacle!
Perhaps, but no obstacle to acting with justice, self-control, and wisdom. But what if some other
area of my action is thwarted? Well, gladly accept the obstacle for what it is and shift your
attention to what is given, and another action will immediately take its place, one that better fits
the life you are building.”

lite athletes in collegiate and professional sports increasingly follow a philosophy known as “The
Process.” It’s a philosophy created by University of Alabama coach Nick Saban, who taught his
players to ignore the big picture—important games, winning championships, the opponent’s enormous
lead—and focus instead on doing the absolutely smallest things well—practicing with full effort, finishing
a specific play, converting on a single possession. A season lasts months, a game lasts hours, catching up
might be four touchdowns away, but a single play is only a few seconds. And games and seasons are
constituted by seconds.
If teams follow The Process, they tend to win. They overcome obstacles and eventually make their
way to the top without ever having focused on the obstacles directly. If you follow The Process in your
life—assembling the right actions in the right order, one right after another—you too will do well. Not
only that, you will be better equipped to make quick work of the obstacles along that path. You’ll be too
busy putting one foot in front of the next to even notice the obstacles were there.

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