The Daily Stoic

(Dana P.) #1


August  3rd

“At this    moment  you aren’t  on  a   journey,    but wandering   about,  being   driven  from    place   to  place,
even though what you seek—to live well—is found in all places. Is there any place more full of
confusion than the Forum? Yet even there you can live at peace, if needed.”

well-known writer once complained that after becoming successful, wealthy friends were always
inviting him to their beautiful, exotic houses. “Come to our home in the south of France,” they would say.
Or, “Our Swiss ski chalet is a wonderful place to write.” The writer traveled the world, living in luxury,
hoping to find inspiration and creativity in these inspiring manors and mansions. Yet it rarely happened.
There was always the allure of another, better house. There were always distractions, always so many
things to do—and the writer’s block and insecurity that plagues creative types traveled with him
wherever he went.
We tell ourselves that we need the right setup before we finally buckle down and get serious. Or we
tell ourselves that some vacation or time alone will be good for a relationship or an ailment. This is self-
deceit at its finest.
It’s far better that we become pragmatic and adaptable—able to do what we need to do anywhere,
anytime. The place to do your work, to live the good life, is here.

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