The Daily Stoic

(Dana P.) #1


February    13th

“Whenever   you get an  impression  of  some    pleasure,   as  with    any impression, guard   yourself    from
being carried away by it, let it await your action, give yourself a pause. After that, bring to mind
both times, first when you have enjoyed the pleasure and later when you will regret it and hate
yourself. Then compare to those the joy and satisfaction you’d feel for abstaining altogether.
However, if a seemingly appropriate time arises to act on it, don’t be overcome by its comfort,
pleasantness, and allure—but against all of this, how much better the consciousness of
conquering it.”

elf-control is a difficult thing, no question. Which is why a popular trick from dieting might be
helpful. Some diets allow a “cheat day”—one day per week in which dieters can eat anything and
everything they want. Indeed, they’re encouraged to write a list during the week of all the foods they
craved so they can enjoy them all at once as a treat (the thinking being that if you’re eating healthy six out
of seven days, you’re still ahead).
At first, this sounds like a dream, but anyone who has actually done this knows the truth: each cheat
day you eat yourself sick and hate yourself afterward. Soon enough, you’re willingly abstaining from
cheating at all. Because you don’t need it, and you definitely don’t want it. It’s not unlike a parent catching
her child with cigarettes and forcing him to smoke the whole pack.
It’s important to connect the so-called temptation with its actual effects. Once you understand that
indulging might actually be worse than resisting, the urge begins to lose its appeal. In this way, self-
control becomes the real pleasure, and the temptation becomes the regret.

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