The Daily Stoic

(Dana P.) #1


February    23rd

“You    shouldn’t   give    circumstances   the power   to  rouse   anger,  for they    don’t   care    at  all.”

significant chunk of Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations is made up of short quotes and passages from
other writers. This is because Marcus wasn’t necessarily trying to produce an original work—instead he
was practicing, reminding himself here and there of important lessons, and sometimes these lessons were
things he had read.
This particular quote is special because it comes from a play by Euripides, which, except for a
handful of quoted fragments like this, is lost to us. From what we can gather about the play, Bellerophon,
the hero, comes to doubt the existence of the gods. But in this line, he is saying: Why bother getting mad at
causes and forces far bigger than us? Why do we take these things personally? After all, external events
are not sentient beings—they cannot respond to our shouts and cries—and neither can the mostly
indifferent gods.
That’s what Marcus was reminding himself of here: circumstances are incapable of considering or
caring for your feelings, your anxiety, or your excitement. They don’t care about your reaction. They are
not people. So stop acting like getting worked up is having an impact on a given situation. Situations don’t
care at all.

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