The Daily Stoic

(Dana P.) #1


February    25th

“Keep   a   list    before  your    mind    of  those   who burned  with    anger   and resentment  about   something,  of
even the most renowned for success, misfortune, evil deeds, or any special distinction. Then ask
yourself, how did that work out? Smoke and dust, the stuff of simple myth trying to be
legend . . .”

n Marcus Aurelius’s writings, he constantly points out how the emperors who came before him were
barely remembered just a few years later. To him, this was a reminder that no matter how much he
conquered, no matter how much he inflicted his will on the world, it would be like building a castle in the
sand—soon to be erased by the winds of time.
The same goes for those driven to the heights of hate or anger or obsession or perfectionism. Marcus
liked to point out that Alexander the Great—one of the most passionate and ambitious men who ever lived
—was buried in the same ground as his mule driver. Eventually, all of us will pass away and slowly be
forgotten. We should enjoy this brief time we have on earth—not be enslaved to emotions that make us
miserable and dissatisfied.

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