The Daily Stoic

(Dana P.) #1


March   22nd

“What   is  it  then    to  be  properly    educated?   It  is  learning    to  apply   our natural preconceptions  to  the
right things according to Nature, and beyond that to separate the things that lie within our power
from those that don’t.”

degree on a wall means you’re educated as much as shoes on your feet mean you’re walking. It’s a
start, but hardly sufficient.
Otherwise, how could so many “educated” people make unreasonable decisions? Or miss so many
obvious things? Partly it’s because they forget that they ought to focus only on that which lies within their
power to control. A surviving fragment from the philosopher Heraclitus expresses that reality:

“Many   who have    learned
from Hesiod the countless names
of gods and monsters
never understand
that night and day are one.”

Just as you can walk plenty well without shoes, you don’t need to step into a classroom to understand
the basic, fundamental reality of nature and of our proper role in it. Begin with awareness and reflection.
Not just once, but every single second of every single day.

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