The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Devil or the Flesh?

In Romans chapter 1, the Bible talked about women
having unnatural affection toward women, and men
toward men. Paul called it vile affections. Here he calls
it inordinate affection. That means affection that is not
ordinary, clean, or wholesome. It's not ordinary for a
man to leave the natural use of a woman and to lust
after another man. It's not natural for a woman to want
another woman.
God made man and woman to desire a member of
the opposite sex within the confines of marriage. Sex is
not wrong in marriage, but it is wrong outside of
marriage. Fornication, adultery, and uncleanness are
wrong. Practicing those things will give Satan great
inroads into your life.
Believers are to mortify those unclean deeds of the
body, so they can possess their vessels with
sanctification and honor. Some Christians say "I can't
do that." But God said we can. Either He is lying about
it or they are!
The truth is many people don't want to mortify their
flesh. They just want that old stinking flesh to
dominate them. They want to live in the flesh with its
pleasures and lusts instead of in the Spirit because it's
Actually, the greatest "war" the believer will ever
wage is not with the devil, but it is between the flesh
and the spirit.
16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not
17 For the FLESH lusteth against the SPIRIT,
and the SPIRIT against the FLESH: and these
are contrary the one to the other: so that ye
cannot do the things that ye would.

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