The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

Paul is writing to Spirit-filled Christians in this
passage. He says, "... the flesh lusteth against the
Spirit...." The King James Version capitalizes the letter
S in the word "Spirit," making the Passage refer to the
Holy Spirit. But Paul isn't talking about the Holy Spirit
in this verse; he's talking about the human spirit.
As W. E. Vine points out in his Expository
Dictionary of New Testament Words,^2 there is only one
word translated "spirit" from the Greek and that is
"pneuma." Therefore, we have to determine by the
context of the passage whether "pneuma" is referring to
the human spirit or to the Holy Spirit.
Galatians 5:17 is saying that the flesh "lusteth
against," "wars," or "fights" against the recreated
human spirit. Another translation says, "the flesh
fights against the spirit."
People are talking a lot about spiritual warfare in
Christian circles today. But the biggest warfare in the
Christian walk is between the flesh and the spirit. Yes,
we have to deal with the spiritual forces of darkness, all
right. But if you get this war between your flesh and
your spirit settled, you won't have to contend with
Satan as much, because you won't be leaving a door
open to the enemy.
You need to understand the conflict between the
flesh and the recreated human spirit and how to crucify
the flesh so you can possess your vessel in sanctification
and honour (1 Thess. 4:3,4,7). Then you won't be giving
access to the devil.

The Spirit of the World in the

2 Ibid., p. 593.

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