The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Devil or the Flesh?

into their lives! They open the door themselves with
their own mouths!
When I was born again, I had never heard anyone
preach on this subject. Although my tongue still wanted
to say some words I'd said before I was saved, after I
was born again, I began listening to my spirit, and I
couldn't talk like that.
But we are living in a time of looseness and
lightness. You can hear people using these words, but
worse than that, you hear Charismatic people talking
like that too.
If you are a believer and you are guilty of filthy
communication, you need to straighten up. You need to
obey what God said in His Word: "... put off... filthy
communication out of your mouth" (Col. 3:8). Otherwise,
you are on dangerous ground. And when you're on
Satan's territory, he has access to you.
Thank God, as believers we know what to do about
Satan, and we know our authority in Christ. We know
how to put off the old man nature with its lusts and
pleasures, and we know how to put on Christ. We can
possess our vessels in sanctification and honor and
learn how to stand strong against all the wiles of the

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