The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1

Chapter 4

4 Distinguishing the Difference

Between Oppression,

Obsession, and Possession

The primary way Satan tries to gain access to people
is through their mind and body. The degree to which a
person yields to Satan in these areas determines how
much Satan is able to influence him. Since man is a
spirit, he has a soul, and he lives in a body, demons can
affect and influence man in his body and soul (mind,
will, and emotions), yet not be present in his spirit.
To really understand how demons affect people, it's
also important to understand the difference between
oppression, obsession, and possession. Many people use
these terms interchangeably when they are actually
referring to three separate degrees of demonic

Evil spirits can exert a certain amount of influence
as they seek to oppress mankind. Evil spirits can
oppress anyone, even Christians if they allow it, from
within or without their body or soul.
Of course, evil spirits have their widest range of
influence if they can embody a human because then
they can express themselves in the natural realm. If
evil spirits can't embody people, they try to exert
influence round about people in the spiritual realm.

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