The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

Many times believers, even Spirit-filled believers, can
be oppressed by demons from the outside. Satan tries to
oppress us by putting all kinds of pressure on us until
we are keenly aware of that pressure.
And we need to realize that there are degrees of
oppression. In other words, a person can be more
oppressed or less oppressed. We've probably all
experienced oppression in our lives at one time or
another. For example, sometimes oppression can be
manifested as a bad "mood" that tries to come over us.
That can be the direct result of satanic oppression.
People have also said to me, "Please pray for me. It just
seems like there's a big black cloud hanging over my
That's satanic oppression. And people are more
oppressed at certain times than they are at other times.
But as we rebuke that oppression in the Name of Jesus,
stand against it and resist it, the devil will flee from us
(Matt. 18:18; Luke 10:19; Phil. 2:9-11; James 4:7).
Believers don't need to live under the oppression of the
enemy. And sometimes when oppression leaves a
person, it feels just like a weight has lifted off his
Fear is a form of oppression that comes against
many Christians and holds them in bondage and causes
them to stumble again and again. Fear can take ahold
of believers' minds and cause their spirit not to function
as they should—that is, not to be in dominion over their
soul and body.
Fear can also take ahold of a believer's body and
cause his stomach to tighten up as though some power
had gripped it. That can open the door to despair and
despondency. But the Bible says God has not given us
the spirit of fear (2 Tim. 1:7) so that means we have

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