The Triumphant Church

(Frankie) #1
The Triumphant Church

stomach condition.
But I also knew if I didn't explain to the
congregation what I was about to do, it would cause
more harm than good. When ministering in public, if
you just cast an evil spirit out of someone without
explaining it to the congregation, people can think,
That person is saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, and a
member of this church. If he has a devil in him, maybe I
have a devil in me.
And if people start thinking and talking like that,
they can unknowingly open a door to the devil and an
evil spirit will accommodate them. That's why people
need to exercise wisdom when ministering in public.
So before I ministered to this man, I explained to
the congregation, "Satan, not God, is the author of
sickness and disease. Satan is indirectly the cause of all
sin, sickness, and disease. Sometimes there can even be
the literal presence of a demon in a person's body that
enforces sickness and disease. When that's the case, the
evil spirit must be dealt with by the power of the Holy
"In this man's case, an evil spirit is present and
oppressing this man's body and causing these ulcers.
I'm going to cast that evil spirit out of his body. It's not
in his soul or in his spirit."
I went on to explain, "If you lived in an old house
that had termites in it, that doesn't mean you have
termites in you. Well, your body is just the house you
live in. Your body isn't the real you. The real you is the
spirit man on the inside. And if you're born again, the
spirit man can't have a devil in him. But your body—the
house of your spirit—can have an evil spirit afflicting

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